We are coordinating and participating at UNLOOC

We are coordinating and participating at UNLOOC

We are honored at microfluidic ChipShop to be coordinating and participating at the EU project UNLOOC (Unlocking data content of Organ-on-Chips), launched on 14.05.2024.

UNLOOC is a revolutionary project, synergizing the effort of 51 oganisations from 10 European countries, to expand the use of OoC (Organ-on-a-Chip) to a scope of clinical relevance. Over the period of 3 years, the vision is to develop OoC  models and tools to pave a new road to personalized medicine and a groundbreaking solution to the ethical limitations of preclinical and clinical trials. This will be achieved by unfolding complex 3D models mimicking the microenvironmental complexity in the human body, with the possibility of culturing and testing patient-specific cells. The advancement in OoC models will additionally help overcome the limited translational potential of conventional animal models to the human biological context as well as the gender gap and age limitation of the clinical trials.

We are very excited about the breakthrough that this project is about to bring through this valuable 3-year collaboration with our outstanding scientific and academic partners.


17. June 2024